
Our worship is anchored in the practices and patterns that have sustained Christians through the ages and long before the Church became divided as we see it today.  We recognize that we did not invent the faith, we received it from those who went before.  We aren’t trying stay abreast of the latest fashions. We don’t think we can improve much on the ancient convictions preserved in the Anglican way of worship, formation, and mission. There is more than enough there to keep us growing spiritually and missionally vibrant.  We believe there is beauty in the ancient forms that feeds our souls. We are learning the value of consistency and repetition over innovation and entertainment in forming our character and the renewing of our minds. Best of all, the ancient pathways keep Christ at the center, and protect us from making worship all about us.

We take seriously our relationships within the Communion of Saints honoring both our ancestors and those who will come after us, as well as out bond with current brothers and sisters around the world.  We are committed to integrated multi-generational worship and service together.


We have an average Sunday attendance of about 80 worshiping in our own beautiful chapel.  We have a full-time Rector and a part-time assisting priest. We sing traditional hymns with some Taize chants. We wear robes, use the traditional Prayer Book liturgy. We receive Holy Communion weekly. We use our bodies: we kneel to pray, stand to praise, and sit to listen.  Our children’s ministry is based on Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.


We are committed to training and equipping each member of our parish for ministry that fits their gifts and talents.  Small churches like ours are especially good places for learning by doing in a low-risk, loving and supportive community.  We believe that the Holy Spirit is leading us organically through prayer and collaboration into the ministries He wants us to pursue.

We are structuring our ministry around the development of 5 H’s:

Head: things we need to know, understand, and be able to explain

Heart: forming our values and affections toward God and neighbor, and toward the good, the true and the beautiful

Hands: skills of all kinds to serve the church, the Frankfort community and beyond

Habits: establishing the patterns and rhythms of life that sustain health and vitality in every area of life

Home: the Christian life cannot be lived in isolation therefore we seek to create and nurture close community in which to grow as disciples